A nice dark Theme for Firefish in purple colors.

Name: Purple Invasion

	id: '6473849650673056',
	name: 'Purple Invasion',
	author: '@sky@skyland.social',
	desc: 'Dark theme',

	base: 'dark',

	props: {
	accent: '#ff00ff',
	bg: '#292747',
	fg: '#de7ade',
	fgHighlighted: '#de7ade',
	panel: '#312f4d',
	header: 'rgba(40, 44, 52, 0.75)',
	navBg: '#292747',
	navFg: '@fg',
	navHoverFg: '#292747',
	navActive: '#292747',
	navIndicator: '@accent',
	link: '#ff00ff',
	mention: '#ff00ff',
	hashtag: '#ff00ff',
	renote: '#ff00ff',
	pageBg: '@bg',
	divider:'rgba(31, 34, 40, 0.7)',

Made with love and sleeplessness by Sky.
Link to the Theme in the Fediverse. Feel free to use and enjoy.

Licence: CC-BY-SA 4.0

Install Theme: Copy code and paste it under „Settings => Themes => Install a theme“ and click on „Install“. You can also click „Preview“ before installing.

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